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Wholesale Terms and Conditions

Minimum Order Value

The minimum order value for any wholesale customer of wineGrasp® Company is $99.80.

Ordering Options

  • Orders may be submitted via our website at
  • You must be a registered user to view the wholesale pages of our site. If you have not registered for access, please go to, click “Wholesale Signup form” in the footer of our homepage and follow the prompts to submit your information for approval.
  • Email your order to our Customer Service Department at
  • Call our Customer Service Department at 773.999.2668.

Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy

In recognition of the time and resources required by wineGrasp® Retailers, Resellers, and Distributors to provide its customers with an exceptional level of service, wineGrasp has established the following Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy. The MAP Policy does not apply to the actual setting of prices; it only applies to the advertised prices of wineGrasp products.

The wineGrasp Company believes this Policy will protect its brand image and goodwill as well as the profitability of its Retailers, Resellers, and Distributors. This Policy has been unilaterally adopted and will be enforced strictly and uniformly.

All advertised prices for wineGrasp products must be at or above the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) as indicated on all wineGrasp Price Sheets. The current year 2022, MAP pricing is established at $9.99 per Single and $19.99 per Set. This MAP Policy covers any and all advertisements, including, but not limited to those in:

  • Print media such as newspapers, magazines, catalogs, brochures, posters, flyers, public signage, and billboards.
  • Television, radio, email, and electronic media (including social media).
  • Internet websites which can be accessed directly through any hypertext link or by any other method which uses the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP).

In addition, at no time may a Retailer, Reseller or Distributor make any statements or other indications on its e-commerce website in connection with any wineGrasp product that indicates or implies that a lower price may be found at the online checkout stage, including but not limited to, the following examples:

  • "Provide an email address for discount."
  • "Provide Review for discount."
  • "Log in for price."
  • "Call for discount."

The wineGrasp MAP Policy does allow for discount sales promotions by our Retailers, Resellers, and Distributors with the following limitations:

  • Sales promotions may last no longer than 30-Days.
  • Discounted sale price may be no more than 10% off of MAP Pricing ($8.99 for Singles and $17.99 for Sets).
  • Sales promotions cannot be offered more than twice (2-times) per calendar year.
  • Used Products may be advertised below the MAP if the Retailer, Reseller, or Distributor clearly and prominently discloses the Product's condition (i.e., the Product may not be designated as new).

The wineGrasp® Company will monitor the advertised prices of its Products in all channels, either directly or via the use of a third-party monitoring service. If a Retailer, Reseller, or Distributor's advertised price for any wineGrasp Products is lower than the MAP, the following actions will be taken:

  • First Violation: The wineGrasp® Company will issue a warning to the Retailer, Reseller, or Distributor. wineGrasp may also, at its own discretion and without any liability under any existing contracts or agreements, cease supplying the Retailer, Reseller, or Distributor with its Products until the Violation has been corrected.
  • Second Violation: wineGrasp Company will issue a 2nd warning to the Retailer, Reseller, or Distributor. wineGrasp may terminate the Retailer's, Reseller's, or Distributor's ability to purchase its Products immediately at its own discretion and without liability under any existing contracts or agreements.

The wineGrasp® Company reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue this MAP Policy in whole or in part at any time. This MAP Policy does not preclude wineGrasp from becoming a party to a mutually agreed upon written agreement with any Retailer, Reseller, or Distributor. This wineGrasp MAP Policy shall remain in effect unless wineGrasp amends, replaces, or terminates it.

Any International sales must reflect wineGrasp MAP pricing as translated from International currency exchange to US Dollars.


  • The wineGrasp Company accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover). Credit card payments do not currently incur a merchant processing fee.
  • We also accept Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments from those with wineGrasp approved credit terms.

Credit Terms

Wholesale customers may apply for credit terms with wineGrasp Company by completing a credit application including at least three credit references. The wineGrasp company standard credit terms are Net 30-Days. Credit application requests, completed credit applications, or questions regarding credit application status should be submitted to The approval process takes a minimum of seven days and depends on the response time from listed credit references. The credit application must be signed for credit approval to be considered.

  • Payments exceeding 10-Days Past Due will result in the wholesale account being placed on credit hold.
  • Payments exceeding 60-Days Past Due will result in the termination of credit with wineGrasp Company, and future orders will require credit card payment at the time of order placement.
  • Accounts exceeding 90-Days past due will be sent to an outside collection agency. Cook County, Illinois, will hold jurisdiction should court proceedings be necessary to recover monies owed to wineGrasp Company.
  • Checks returned due to insufficient funds (NSF) will result in the customer being charged (in addition to the original balance due) the reimbursement of bank fees and any other incurred costs.
  • Multiple checks returned NSF (defined as more than once) will result in the immediate termination of credit privileges with wineGrasp Company, could be considered fraud, and subject the check writer to prosecution and fines.


Shipping costs are not included in the price of goods. Shipping charges will be applied on each invoice unless pre-paid shipping arrangements have been made before order shipment.

Damages and Defects

Please inspect all shipments immediately upon arrival. Contact our Customer Service Department at within five days of receipt of damaged or defective shipments. Replacement products for damaged or defective items are available within 15 Days of receipt.

Order Delivery

For standard orders, please allow 7-10 days from the order date for delivery. Larger orders or customized (Pad Printed) orders may require more time. Please contact our Customer Service Department at or call 773.999.2668 for order delivery questions.


The wineGrasp Company does not typically have out-of-stock goods requiring backorder on standard orders. For large quantity orders, backorder may be necessary. In the event of a backorder, wineGrasp will ship the unshipped quantity of the original order amount as soon as inventory items are available and without duplication.

Returns & Refunds

The wineGrasp Company does not accept returns or issue refunds.

WineGrasp® (Set of 2)
Someone purchased a 33 minutes ago from Chicago, USA